Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Sotomayor II: The Dems Strike Back and The Messiah is Slipping?
So it seems like Sotomayor passed the judiciary committee, but with a solid G.O.P. opposition (minus Lindsey Graham p.s. you are dead to me) it seems that "The Chosen One" hasn't reached aross party lines very much good job Barack one more campaign promise kaput. In other news Obama's approval rating is down to 56% and it's on a downward trend maybe people are opening their eyes to the travesty to what America stands for that is Barack Hussein Obama. I can only hope we go Honduras on his ass.
Saturday, July 25, 2009
This week I'm on vacation in San Antonio and when you're in San Antonio you go to The Alamo. Being in the Cradle of Texas Liberty is a deep experience for a secessionist like me. To walk on such hallowed ground is almost a religious moment I am proud that the men at The Alamo gave their lives for my home and if they are to be honored as the heroes that they are we must raise the torch of justice and liberty and stand tall as a nation once more. Texas must overcome the tyranny of a large kleptocratic government and form a republic based on what America once stood for: freedom, liberty, and capitalism; not a nanny state where the government knows what's best for your home life and office life. This can be achieved by peaceful secession we will not look for a fight, this is not the time to "teach those Yankee bastards a lesson" there will be a time and when America is a shadow of it's former greatness and it is 0verrun by communist kleptocrats while Texas prospers that will be a lesson enough. Then on that day Texas will be able to rejoin the United States and bring it back to the powerhouse of freedom it once was. This is the call to arms, political arms to liberate Texas. When you are sure that we cannot do it, remember The Alamo! Remember Gonzalez! Remember Goliad! And remember San Jacinto! We defeated one tyrant that disregarded the constitution once we can do it again!
Monday, July 20, 2009
The Pitfalls of Socialized Medicine
Sunday, July 19, 2009
A Profuse and Heart-felt Apology To The Honduran People On Behalf of B.O.
To the people of Honduras; our President's demonization of your revolt against a despot and a tyrant is inexcusable. How the leader of a nation known for being a beacon of democracy to the oppressed and the downtrodden can support the oppression of a nation truly shows that there has been change but the hope has left. Honduran people do not blame all Americans for the mistakes of our leader many didn't vote for him. I didn't vote for him for one. Honduran people I hope you can forgive America for it's President's shortcomings and pitfalls and not let this inhibit your views of Real Americans.
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Gay Marriage
Monday, July 13, 2009
Some Links
"I would hope that a wise Latina woman with the richness of her experiences would more often than not reach a better conclusion [as a judge] than a white male who hasn’t lived that life."
I am a white male and I am really offended that because of my skin color and genital type that I am discriminated against. And to have this woman on the highest court in the land would be a giant mistake for justice. If a white male had said the opposite in her position he would be labeled a racist and lynched! Hell she's a member of “La Raza" (The Race). The name of La Raza is racist in itself because it infers that the Hispanic race is any better than any other race when truly all races are equal. Many conservative voices have labeled Sotomayor a reverse racist, but she's not, she is a racist plain and simple there's no fancy term for it she just is a racist. I think that any nominee for any office that high should be proved that they will be truly impartial and if their judgment will be clouded by ignorance through racism then they do not deserve any position of power.