As a Libertarian I know that it's not the government's job to tell you what to do, but if you look at The Constitution there's a major flaw in both pro and con arguments: it doesn't define marriage. No where does it say marriage is confined to a man and a woman... but it doesn't address gay marriage. But The Constitution does provide a simple way to fix this problem and it's the 10th Amendment. The 10th Amendment says that if it's not in The Constitution it's up to the states or the people to decide (such as Prop 8 in California). This way states like Texas where gay marriage can be guaranteed to not be legalized can keep their values, and states like Massachusetts and Vermont where gay marriage probably will be legalized don't have to have the beliefs of others pushed upon them. Now you may ask "What about the gay people in Texas?" Well if you are gay and you expect the State of Texas to marry you, you obviously are dumb. And if you're a homophobe or just strongly anti-gay and you live where it becomes legal... move if it's really going to bother you. To the Liberals out there: just cause you wish really hard doesn't make everything a right. And to my Conservatives: you need to remember it's a free country and your views aren't to be pushed on others.
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