Friday, September 4, 2009

Objectivism And You!

“I swear, by my life and my love of it, that I will never live for the sake of another man, nor ask another man to live for mine.”
Ayn Rand

I have been reading Atlas Shrugged by Ayn Rand. Ayn Rand created a philosophy called objectivism. Basically it is the acceptance of reality and reason, and that man should be as self reliant as possible and that capitalism is the best form of economy. This places the mind as the most valuable and important asset of any human.

This has changed my outlook on the world, I have realized that need does not outweigh ability. That altruism isn’t the way to prosperity. As humans we must realize that the successful aren’t exploitatious they have just used their ability to further themselves and through their success they brought wealth to able men and women.

This quote and the philosophy it represents also teaches to not exploit and steal, whether legal or not. Do not ask another man to support you, at the same time not letting others live off your ability. Is it not he best help to anyone that you let them fail and learn to be productive?

A great example of Rand’s philosophy in action is an airplane, what is supporting you? Is it the physical labor that made the plane, or is it the idea that came from the mind of man, that molded material into a vision of knowledge of mechanics and physics and chemistry? This doesn’t discredit completely the physical labor but without the vision, without the mental ability that physical labor would do nothing. Another example is chopping down a tree, if it wasn’t for a mind to lead the body to discover that swinging a metal wedge at the tree will cause it to split would anybody ever complete a task considered laborious, and then to think of running a serrated metal blade along the tree, to pulling a cord that sparks a liquid that powers a motor that pulls a chain that does the labor for you, was that just a product of a set of muscles? No, it was the mind that created.

Even with non- industrious jobs, is it not the football player that is able to plan the best play to score that is paid the most? Is it not the artist that is able to pull on their creativity to write the best song, or create the most awe inspiring art the successful artist?

We must celebrate intelligence and not dismiss those who do as greedy and selfish, because in selfishness you can find morality. We must be a society of traders, giving value to value and not a society of producers and consumers. This is all summed up by a single phrase: from all by ability, to all by ability.

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