“What do I matter? You have to be 18 to vote anyways.” This discouraging cry of futility is too often heard coming from young adults with a passion for politics but no outlet. Even though you can’t vote until 18 you can still affect the political world.
The best way to do this is through activist groups, such as the Houston Tea Party Society. Founder, Felicia Cravens told me her view on youth activists “We believe the only way to maintain our republic is to make sure each generation coming behind is well-grounded in the founding documents, and in the concept of liberty. That means students have to be the ones to take up the cause.”
Though all are important not all activist groups are the same. There are various types, such as the Grassroots movement which is a citizen organized group; there are Community organizational groups which can be backed by larger and national organizations. Personally grassroots tends to be more personal and addresses more local issues but activism in general is great.
Student activism has more benefits than getting your voice heard. Groups such as the NRA offer scholarship essay competitions. And if Ms. Cravens has her way the Houston Tea Party will be starting one soon.
So before you become discouraged and give up let some words from Ronald Reagan inspire you to achieve and have your voice heard; “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same.”
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